Facade inspections involve assessing the safety of existing facades in accordance with Law 122. 


Partie 5 conducts its facade inspections following the recommendations of the Guide explicatif des exigences d’entretien des façades issued by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) and the Programme d’accompagnement pour l’inspection et l’entretien préventif des façades (PIEF) established jointly with the Ordre des architectes du Québec (OAQ), using a methodology inspired by the ASTM E-2270 standard, Standard Practice for Periodic Inspection of Building Facades for Unsafe Conditions


When particular constraints require it, such as restricted use of lifting equipment, and close and rapid inspection of 100% of the facades, one of our architects, who is also a certified rope access technician (SPRAT), is able to go to heights to observe potential or proven problems.